Welcome to
The Frontier Party

The Frontier Party is a political movement founded on the principles of limited government and strict immigration restrictionism.We believe the UK faces two fundamental problems:1. Statism, and
2. Immigration, which is ultimately a consequence of statism.Other immigration-restrictionist parties, such as The Homeland Party and, to a lesser extent, Reform UK, acknowledge the immigration issue but fail to address its root cause—the size of the state. While these parties may offer an improvement over the status quo, their continued commitment to Big State policies would prevent them from reversing the country's decline.
The UK is in a sorry state.More than 50% of the wealth created in the UK each year is confiscated and then re-spent (the effective total tax burden). This leads to everyone, overall, becoming poorer over time due to the inefficiency of centralised resource allocation.In tandem with this damaging high-tax economic regime, a policy of mass immigration has fractured society, driving up house prices while suppressing wage growth.Addressing the serious issues facing the UK requires tackling both the size of the state and the magnitude of annual immigration.

We have developed an initial set of policy positions rooted in our philosophy of limited government and immigration restrictionism.
Headline policies, including the abolition of VAT and capital gains tax and the introduction of a simplified flat income tax rate of 25%, will be largely funded through a phased withdrawal of the state from education and healthcare provision—while preserving a social safety net and ensuring services remain free at the point of use.A complete manifesto is under development.